Shotgun Start 11:00 AM
• 18-Hole Golf Scramble
• Teams of 4 can register in men’s or coed divisions
• The top two groups in each division will win a Skyline Pro Shop Gift Certificate
• Cost for golf, cart, and dinner: $65 for non-members OR $40 for members
Happy Hour
Drink Specials! 4 PM – 5 PM
Chicken Q
Cost of dinner only: $20
Grilled Chicken, cole slaw, potato salad, beans, and rolls! 5 PM
Raffle Drawing
Prize raffle and 50/50 raffle 6:30 PM
Hole Sponsorships and Raffle Donations
• Hole Sponsorships are available for $100 per hole
• Raffle prize donations are welcomed and appreciated!
All proceeds will be used to help fund the Fred Stai Memorial Patio on the west side of the In Memory of Fred Stai clubhouse
Contact Melissa Scharpf at Skyline to arrange hole sponsorships and prize donations by July 1, 2023, if possible. (715-284-2613; [email protected])
Call Skyline at 715-284-2613 to register by July 25